Christophe Pourcel


Christophe Pourcel came to America after a successful career in Europe, and in 2009 and 2010, Christophe won the 250 East Supercross Championship and came heartbreakingly close to winning the 2009 and 2010 250 Outdoor National titles as well. Assuming that Team Kawasaki would hire him in 2011 as a 450 rider (based on the fact that they had moved other former 250 Supercross winners to the factory team), Pourcel didn’t pursue any other deals. But, Kawasaki never called. It didn’t help Pourcel’s cause that he reportedly wanted $1.5 million for 2011.

Whether Pourcel actually asked for $1.5 million is incidental, because he got no offers and ended up on the privateer MotoConcepts Yamaha team. That ride was short-lived (very short-lived), and Pourcel moved back to the GP series for an uneventful 2012 season, where he raced for one season and then decided that he didn’t like the GP system. Two years later he was back in the USA racing for Yamaha in the 250 Nationals. And, in 2016 signed a deal with the Rockstar Husqvarna team for the Nationals and Supercross series.

Then, in 2016, he started the 450 Supercross series, but had very poor results, and often seemed uninterested in doing well. Rockstar Husqvarna felt that Christophe needed a change, so they moved him out of the Supercross series and hired Dean Wilson to replace him. Pourcel raced the 2017 Canadian National Championships for Rockstar Husky and finished second in the series to Matt Goerke. Not soon after he announced his retirement from professional racing releasing the statement below.

“Well, today is the day, I am pleased to announce my retirement from racing,” said Pourcel on Instagram. “It’s all I’ve ever known, but I have been so blessed and fortunate to race all around the world in front of many fans and to work with many great companies. From racing GPs, winning a world championship, then coming to America, two supercross championships, winning races… and now finding a new life here in the States, racing has given me so much. Those good times don’t come without tough times, from my paralyzing accident in 2007, internal injuries, countless collar bones, to my most recent neck fractures… I’ve had my fair share of injuries, but I’m happy to walk away happy and healthy. I’m looking forward to the next chapter of my life away from racing. I’ve sacrificed so much in life, things that are normal for most people, to dedicate my life to racing and training. I want to enjoy this time now with my wife, family, and friends and to say THANK YOU to all the great people and companies that have supported me throughout my career and to the fans who have enjoyed watching me race. It’s been a tough decision, I know I can still be competitive but my body has said enough with the injuries! I’m 29 and have so much more life to live. Again, thank you all and see you around!”


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