RJ Hampshire 2023 Millville National-


If you are a fan of AMA Motocross and specifically the 250 class, it’s no doubt you recall seeing Rockstar Husqvarna factory rider R.J. Hampshire battling through the pack. While Hampshire possesses all the attributes needed (fitness, grit, determination, aggression), he simply seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time too often, particularly in the first corner. It does seem that Hampshire is constantly buried mid-pack on the first lap. But just as often, it’s typical to see him battling for podiums and wins at Moto end. Although Hampshire was significantly down in the Championship points, he is now in third and not that far from Haiden Deegan in second. It may require some good luck, but I do not doubt RJ can still win the 250 Championship. We caught up with the Floridian after his day at Millville, where he took a hard-fought fourth overall.



RJ Hampshire 2023 Millville National- fansAfter having crashed at the beginning of multiple motos, Rj has always put in his best effort. He has not been out of the top ten overall this season.  

R.J. YOU WERE CHARGING HARD IN MOTO ONE AT MILLVILLE TO CAPTURE THIRD, BUT I THOUGHT WITH ANOTHER LAP OR TWO, YOU WOULD HAVE CAUGHT JO SHIMODA FOR SECOND. Yes, it was not a bad moto, and overall, it was a good points day. I did not land on the box, but I had two consistent motos and got myself back into it a little bit. I felt like I should have been better, but you can’t really look back now. I look forward to this next weekend, a fresh start, and capitalizing on kind of where we are at now.  

DO YOU FEEL YOU ARE AT A PRETTY GOOD POINT IN THE SERIES WHERE YOU ARE AT IN POINTS? It just brings a little more excitement into the weekends. I am always excited to go racing, but recently we had somewhat a restart. I am twenty points down, but that is much better than where I was.  Like I said, just excited and happy for this team and happy where we are at, and yeah, I would like to have a couple more solid weekends and maybe knock a win off here.

RJ Hampshire 2023 Millville National-1RJ only sits 20 points down from the series leader Hunter Lawrence.

YOU COULD PROBABLY BE LEADING THE SERIES IF YOU WERE CONSISTENTLY GETTING GOOD STARTS. IS THAT SOMETHING YOU FOCUS ON DURING THE WEEK? Not really.  I can’t overthink things right now. The first lap position and the second moto are what killed me. I think my average position is fourteenth or something like that. I need to make that better to get myself a chance. The points really don’t matter if I can’t make that better because these other guys have been better than me. I must work on that and manage to give myself a chance.

THE MORE DIFFICULT THE TRACK OR CONDITIONS IS WHEN YOU REALLY SEEM TO SHIME. Yes, I can agree with that. I have that little bit more fight, a little more grit in me. You are going to get everything I got.  

RJ Hampshire 2023 Millville National-1

WE HAVE ALREADY HEARD PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE MXON, AND I HAVE HEARD YOUR NAME MENTIONED. YOU COULD LIKELY DO WELL ON A 250 OR 450. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS? I would love to if I get the opportunity; I am there. It does not matter what bike I am on.  I am excited about it if I do get the chance. I guess we will see where we are when that time comes.  

YOU WILL BE THERE! You bet! Whatever size bike I can ride. If I can be there, I am going to be there.


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